Accredited Environmental Technologies |
NJ LEAD REGULATIONS (RENTAL PROPERTIES) Earth Day Quotes "It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required." "If your capacity to acquire has outstripped your capacity to enjoy, you are on the way to the scrap-heap" "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today".
WHAT'S THAT SMELL? Natural Gas (NG) Daily Headlines: School evacuated... 911 dispatches fire department... NG leak causes fire/explosion. NG is a colorless and almost odorless gas which is used in homes and commercial buildings for cooking, heating, and water heating. NG consists primarily of methane. Since 1937 in the US, mercaptan (an odorant) has been added to NG to provide its distinctive rotten egg smell. This warning property was added after a buildup of NG in a school resulted in a fire/explosion which killed 300 students and faculty. What do you do if you smell natural gas?
IAQ Investigation: Occupants reported a foul "trash-like odor" upon entering a commercial building during the morning hours. AET's investigation included the use of a direct reading NG meter which detected a small gas leak around the bypass switch on the hot water heater. NG levels were below the lower explosion limit (LEL). Why the morning? The mercaptan odor associated with the leak built up overnight in the mechanical room where the hot water heater was located. The HVAC units in the mechanical room were on setback (not operating during non-occupancy hours). Upon morning activation of the HVAC system, the odor was dispersed via the HVAC system into the building.
LBP Sampling Controversy...Chip or XRF EPA/HUD and most State/Local regulations recognize two different testing methods to determine lead content in paint. These regulations define LBP as a paint or surface coating containing lead greater than or equal to 1.0 mg/cm² (by XRF) or >0.5% by weight (paint chip). Problem : There is no correlation between the amount of lead measured by XRF and the amount reported by the laboratory analysis of a paint chip.XRF: Testing is performed by a direct reading portable instrument in the field. XRF instrumentation measures through multiple paint layers using a gamma radiation detector and provides results by mg/cm2.Paint Chip: The lead inspector collects a small chip incorporating all paint layers down to the substrate. The lab first weighs the chip, analyzes it by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and provides results by % weight. Paint chip analysis is more accurate since it measures lead in the paint and only the paint. XRF instrumentation provides lead results with 95% confidence. XRF results can be biased as it also detects lead embedded in wood substrates, plasters and piping and solders within wall assemblies.Further, in today's buildings, rarely is the top layer of paint lead containing. Paint is often covered by multiple layers of non-lead paint from many repaintings. Paint chip analysis provides a result which is a measure of the average of all layers of paint. XRF reports lead without regard to the non-lead layers and may provide a false/positive result. AET's position is: Collect paint chips for lead surveys in industrial settings when destructive sampling is not restricted.
Children's Lead Levels Plummet According to a new study published in the March edition of The Journal Pediatric, far fewer kids have high blood lead levels. The government standard considers levels of 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood to be elevated. This study found an 84% drop in the blood lead level in 5000 children (ages 1-5). In 1988, about 9% of these children had high blood levels compared to 1.4% in 2004. Why?
NJ Lead Regulations: Bureau of Housing and Inspections...Regulations for Lead-Safe Maintenance of Rental Housing As an NJ Certified Lead Evaluation Firm, AET is currently working with a 16 building (132 unit) apartment complex to comply with these regulations. Completed services have included:
Our goal is to establish a LBP program that is not only regulatory compliant, but is easy to administer and cost efficient while ensuring the health and safety of building tenants and their family members. Lead Information Sources include: National Lead Information Center (1-800-424-LEAD)
EPA Pamphlets available: Renovate Right, Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Childcare Providers and Schools
Lead Training for Maintenance/Custodial Staff Lead Safe Building Maintenance Practice Training provided by Rutgers University.This course is a 1 day training course available at a cost of $35.00 per person and complies with the training provisions of NJAC 5:10. |